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Урок англійської мови з теми "Україна" 5 клас Урок 2
[ Викачати з сервера (66.5 Kb) ] 12.01.2015, 21:57

Lesson 2

Topic: Ukraine


навчальна: домогтися засвоєння учнями лексичного матеріалу з теми «Україна», навчити учнів вживати вивчені слова у словосполученнях та простих реченнях;

розвиваюча: розвивати в учнів пам’ять, увагу, імітацію, логічне та образне мислення, комунікативні вміння та навички;

виховна: виховувати патріотичні почуття.


Equipment: світлини дорогих авто, плакат із  написаними цілями уроку,  картки для індивідуальної та парної роботи



Form of the lesson: Lesson – travelling by cars

Type of the lesson: Урок формування лексичних навичок



I. Introduction

   1. Greeting

    Teacher:   Good morning! Good morning!

                     Good morning to you!

                     Good morning! Good morning!

                      I’m glad to see you!

   Pupils:  We are glad to see you too.

  2. Speaking drill

  Teacher: -Who is on duty today?

                 -Who is absent?

                 -What day is it today?

                  -Go to the blackboard and write down the date.

 3. Learner’s outcomes. The topic and the aims of the lesson.


Teacher: Dear pupils! Today we’ll continue our exсiting  travelling by these nice cars. At the lesson we shall:

1. repeat the words on the topic  “Ukraine”

2. learn how to speak, read and write them correctly

3. have wonderful time together


II. Main part of the lesson

Warming – up


1. Teacher:  Choose the car you like again, take your sits and go on our journey. The first is

the Reading station .

A) Take your cards № 1 and repeat after me (хорове повторення слів за вчителем способом « Луна»):

 Вчитель:  state

Учні:         держава

Вчитель:  держава

Учні:        state


Card № 1

  1. State                                                              держава
  2. capital                                                           столиця
  3. independent                                                  незалежний
  4. Europe                                                          Європа
  5. to border on                                                  межувати з…
  6. Тrident                                                           Тризуб

      7.    is washed by                                                 омивається

8.  Poland                                                           Польща

9. Moldova                                                        Молдова

10. Hungary                                                        Угорщина

      11. Slovakia                                                        Словакія

12. Romania                                                     Румунія

13. Russia                                                         Росія

14. Belorus                                                       Білорусь

15. the Dnipro                                                  Дніпро

16. the Dniester                                                Дністер

17. the Bug                                                       Буг

18. independence                                             незалежність

19. official                                                        офіційний

20. Motherland                                                Батьківщина

21. territory                                                     територія

22. the Crimean mountains                             Кримські гори

23. the Carpathians                                         Карпати

24. the East                                                     схід

25. the West                                                   захід

26. the South                                                   південь

27. the North                                                   північ


  1. Читання учнями слів за вчителем хором.


  1. Індивідуальне читання учнями слів (на вибір учителя)


  1. Гра »Snowball». Учень 1 читає перше слово, учень 2 – перше + друге слова, учень3 – перше + друге + третє. Останній учень читає усі слова.


  1. Усний переклад слів та словосполучень:

Вчитель: Європа

Учні:       Europe

Вчитель: незалежна держава:

Учні:       the independent state  тощо.


2. Teacher: Take your sits in the cars and go. The next is

The Playing station.


A) Play the game «Jumble Words». Work in pairs. Take card 2. Your task is to correct the mistakes in the words and read the correct variant.

Card 2

Correct the mistakes and read the correct variant:

Eroupe ( Europe)

Tredint (Trident)

Cipatla (capital)

The Caparhtians ( the Carpathians)


B) Використання речівки для відзначення гарної роботи певних дітей:


Teacher: Two –   Pupils: four

Teacher: Six –    Pupils:  eight

Teacher: Whom do we appreciate?

Teacher: Sasha – Pupils: oh !!!

Teacher: Ira – Pupils:  oh !!!

Teacher: Vova – Рupils: Oh !!!

Teacher: Clap your hands together.


C) Teacher: Now, please, take card 3 and write the missing letters in the words:

Card 3

Write the missing letters:

           - - land (Poland)

         - - - gary  (Hungary)

         - - - vakia ( Slovakia)

       - - - - erland ( Motherland)


3. Relax time. Використання речівок з рухами.

Teacher:  English is fun!   -   Pupils: Clap! Clap! Clap!

Teacher:  English is cool!  -   Pupils: Clap! Clap! Clap!

Teacher : I speak English! -   Pupils: Clap! Clap! Clap!

Teacher: And so do you!  -    Pupils: Clap! Clap! Clap!

Teacher:  English!    -   Pupils: Oh !!!


Teacher:  Give me    E      -    Pupils:  E!

Teacher:  Give me    N     -     Pupils:  N!

Teacher:  Give me    G     -     Pupils:  G!

Teacher:  Give me    L      -    Pupils:   L!

Teacher:  Give me    I      -     Pupils:   I!

Teacher:  Give me   S      -     Pupils:   S! 

Teacher:  Give me   H     -     Pupils:   H!

Teacher: What does that spell?  -       Pupils:  English!

Teacher: What do we speak?     -       Pupils:  English!

Teacher: What do we love?       -       Pupils:  English!

Oh – English!!!


4.Teacher: Go on our travelling. The next is

The Little Intelligent’s  Station.

A) Take card 4 and do such task: choose the letter, make the word -combinations and write down them into your copybooks:


Card 4

Choose the letter, make the word – combinations and write down them into your copybooks:


Ind - pendent  state / country





offi- ial  territory / Motherland





the  - rimean  mountains / rivers





The river  Dnipro /  Dn- ester




B) Teacher: take card 5. Match the English words with their translation and write  them down into your copybooks:

  1. capital                                   A. омивається
  2. independent                          B. незалежний
  3. is washed by                         C. незалежність  
  4. the Trident                            D. межувати з…
  5. to border on                          E. Тризуб
  6. Europe                                  F.  офіційний
  7. state                                      G. держава
  8. official                                  H. Батьківщина
  9. Motherland                           I.   Європа

10. independence                       J.   столиця























5. Teacher: Good pupils! The last for today is The Competition station. Play a game «The best reader». Please, take cards 1 and read all the words on the topic  «Ukraine». Do your best!


III. Summing up


Teacher: Our lesson is nearly over. What did we do?

Pupil 1:  At the lesson we travelled by cars

Pupil 2:  Learned words on the topic” Ukraine”

Pupil 3:  Did interesting exercises

Teacher: What was the easiest task?

Pupil 4:  The easiest tasks were to play games.

Teacher: What was the most difficult task?

Pupil:  The most difficult task was to choose the letter and make the word – combination.

Teacher: How did you like our lesson?

Pupil: It was very good.

Teacher: Thank  you very much for your work.


IV. Home assignment

Teacher: For the next lesson, please, repeat all the vocabulary on the topic ”Ukraine”, try to learn it and be ready to write a dictation.


V. Motivation of the marks

Teacher: Take your cards for self-appraisal and think about the mark of your neighbour. Show me and give your day- books.

You were wonderful!

You were great!

See you next class

And don’t be late!

Good- bye!!!




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