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Урок англійської мови з теми "Україна" 5 клас Урок 3
[ Викачати з сервера (102.0 Kb) ] 12.01.2015, 22:28


1 – 4

Lesson 3

Topic: Ukraine


навчальна: перевірити рівень засвоєння учнями лексичного  матеріалу  з  теми « Україна», познайомити учнів з фактичним матеріалом про Україну через активізацію лексики у тексті;

розвиваюча: вдосконалювати вміння та навички учнів говоріння,  читання та розуміння тексту, використовуючи вивчену лексику, вміння працювати з текстом: виділяти основне, доповнювати текст необхідною  інформацією; розвивати в учнів пам’ять, швидкість мовленнєвої реакції, увагу, логічне мислення;

виховна:  виховувати патріотичні  почуття та бажання спілкуватись іноземною мовою.


Equipment: Малюнок потяга, текст для читання про Україну, м’яч, індивідуальні картки – завдання.


Form of the lesson: Lesson – travelling by train


Type of the lesson: Урок розвитку навичок читання та говоріння ( Developing pupil’s reading and speaking skills)


The motto of the lesson: “ There is no place like home.”



I.  Introduction

      1. Greeting

T: Good morning, pupils! I’m glad to see you again!


2.Learner’s outcomes. The topic and the aims of the lesson

T: Did you like our last lesson?

P: Yes, we did.

T: Let’s go on our journey. Today we are going to travel by this   train. We shall get to know as much as possible about our Motherland and improve our speaking and reading skills.


   3. Motivation

Do you want to speak English well? Be always fine, do your best  to be active at the lesson and soon you’ll reach  progress in English.


   4. Speaking drill


T: And how are you today? (How are you getting on?)

P:  Thank’s, I’m fine (well, o’ckey, so-so, 50 x 50)


T: Let’s learn some proverbs:

There is no place like home.

East or West home is best.


5. Phonetic drill

T: Open your vocabularies and repeat the words on the topic “Ukraine” after me.

II. Main part of the lesson


1.T: Choose the carriage and the compartment in our train and start our journey. The first is


the Playing station.

  1. Гра з м’ячем на тренування пам’яті. Проходить у швидкому темпі. Учні стають у коло. Передаючи м’яч, працюють у режимі:

Учень1: State – Учень 2: State + Trident – Учень 3: State + Trident + Capital – Учень 4: State + Trident + Capital + Europe etc.


  1. Гра “Steps”.

Учень на кожен крок називає слово з теми «Україна». Проходить у швидкому темпі. Виграє той учень, який, не зупиняючись, назве найбільше слів.

2.T: Take your sits and come on! The next is


the   Writing station.

     T: Open your copy - books and write a dictation:

 Ukraine, Europe, independent, Motherland, territory, to border on, official, independence, the Carpathians, the Crimean mountains, is washed by, capital.


3.The  Reading station. Опрацювання тексту «Україна».


T: Take card №1.

А) Читання вчителем тексту вголоc


Card №1                                           Ukraine


Ukraine is one of the largest countries in the centre of Europe. It’s territory is 603,7 sq. km. It borders on Belarus in the North, Russia in the East, Moldova, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and Romania in the West. In the South Ukraine is washed by the Black Sea and the Azov Sea.


There are many rivers in our country. The longest of them are the Dnipro, the Dniester, the Bug and the Donets. The highest are the Crimean Mountains and the Carpathians.


There are more than 400 cities and towns in Ukraine. The biggest are: L’viv, Kharkiv, Poltava, Odesa, Donetsk, Ternopil. The capital is Kyiv.


Ukraine is the independent state. The 24-th of August is the Independence day. The Trident is the official emblem. Blue and yellow are the colours of the flag.


     В) Читання тексту способом «Луна»(учні повторюють за вчителем).


С) Читання тексту хором.


  1. Читання учнями тексту ланцюжком в алфавітному порядку:

Н-д: Абраменко – Більський – Довгань –Заєць


Е)  Гра на навчання швидкого читання:


1. Read   the sentence with the first word… (several times)

2. Read the sentence with the last word… (several times)

3. Read the sentence with the word… (several times)


     F) Виразне читання учнями тексту. Гра «Хто краще?»


4. Relax time

T: Do you want to dance?

P: Certainly!

T: Make the ring and dance our favourite “On the tiptoes”:

One, two, three – on the tiptoes.

One, two, three – on the tiptoes.

One, two, three – turn around

Clap, clap, step aside!

(All  this do  several times)



5. T: You  danced  very well. Now I want you to do some exercises, because our next station is called


The Practical.

A) T: Take card 2. The task is to choose the most suitable heading from the list A-D to the text «Ukrainе».


A There are high mountains and many rivers in Ukraine.

B Ukraine is one of the largest European countries.

C It is the independent state.

D Ukraine has many large cities and small towns.












B) T: Take card 3. Multiple Choice. Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D):


1. Ukraine is one of  ……countries in Europe.

     A the smallest

     B large

     C the largest

     D big


2. Ukraine borders on …

     A Russia, Moldova

     B Poland, Slovakia, Hungary

     C Romania, Italy, Poland

     D  Belarus, Moldova, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, Russia.


3. Ukraine is washed by …

     A the Black Sea

     B the Azov Sea

     C The Red Sea

     D the Black Sea and the Azov Sea


    4.  What’s the official emblem of Ukraine?

     A language

     B The Trident

     C the President

     D people


5. What are the colours of the flag?

     A white and green

     B blue and red

     C blue and yellow

     D yellow and green














III. Summing up


T: Complete the sentences: At the lesson we …


Pupil 1:  travelled by the train

Pupil 2:   played, read much about Ukraine

Pupil 3:  did exercises about Ukraine.


T: The most interesting task was …

Pupil 4: to play with the ball and “Steps”.


T: The easiest task was …

Pupil 5: to read the text and Multiple Choice.


T: The most difficult task was …

Pupil 6: to choose the most suitable heading.


T: The lesson was …

Pupil 7: interesting, (exciting, useful).


  1. Motivation of the marks.

T: I like our lesson as well, especially your playing and reading. Valia, Vova, Ivan, Ira were the best today, you’ll get the excellent marks. Vita, Sasha, Olia, please, don’t afraid to make mistakes, but be more attentive! Everything will be fine, I’m sure! How do you think, what are your marks? 

  1. Home assignment

       T:  For the next lesson, please, do such task:

Card № 4

Complete the sentences in writing:

  1. Ukraine is one of the largest countries in …
  2. It borders on …
  3. It is washed by …
  4. The largest rivers are …
  5. The biggest cities are …
  6. The capital of Ukraine is …
  7. It is the independent  …
  8. The Independence Day is …


T: Thanks for everybody. Give me your day-books . Good luck for you! See you later.


































































































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